Kitchen Remodel {Plus}
Happy Tuesday Friends!!
So last time we spoke, my kitchen looked like this:

It no longer looks like that! It's great, but more on that later.
In the interim, we thought, "Hey, while we are waiting to close up that playroom for toddlers (we have a 2 year old) that is our kitchen, let's tear up some more crap! So we did this:

Which then led to this:

Naturally replacing the flooring involved tearing up trim, which meant we needed new trim:

So we tore up the living room floor while the kitchen was a gaping hole. Because, you know, it's always a good idea to pile more on when you have a lot to do already. Though in reality, we just wanted to feel like we were accomplishing something while we were waiting to move forward on the kitchen, and I am happy we did, because now we have this:

We need to finish getting the trim nailed on, and there is a rug and some throw pillows on their way to polish the room off. But it feels really satisfying to tackle and finish something, when the end of the ktichen feels so far away.
I will have more to share on the kitchen by the end of the week, so you just have to wait on that. But hopefully, I will have some similar pictures on the flooring for you next week.