Holiday Friday Finds
Happy Friday, guys!! I don't know how your week was, but mine was fast and busy, so Friday snuck up on me. But I am ok with it.
Obviously it's December now, so holiday decor is on. I went nuts on my mantle the day after Thanksgiving, and there was no looking back.

(My Own)
Look at that awfully festive mantle! It makes my heart so happy.
Today I want to just share some fun holiday finds with you. Everybody celebrates different holidays and even if you don't, everybody has their own decor preference for the season. I like the whimsical bright take for my own home. I have done other homes that run the gammut from traditional burgundy, green and gold, to black and white. You name it, it's out there.
One thing I really like to keep in mind is to incorporate seasonal decorations into your holiday decor. That way, once the holiday has passed, and you take decorations down, you can leave the seasonal stuff up, so your house doesn't feel all empty and naked.

You can keep it seasonal by using neutrals, and metallics. It is also fun to splash some glitter in there, glitter is totally a neutral. Plus it's glitter, so it's awesome. Duh. And since it is usually snowy around the holidays and after, you can obvisouly also decorate with snowflakes and seasonal greenery, i.e. bottle brush trees. I have a deep and unabiding love for bottle brush trees. I have an embarassing amount of them, and continue to physically NEED more when I see them. I am not ashamed, they make my heart soar.
I like to pop a few other styles into my holiday decor with the whimsical bit, to keep from being too crazy with one style. I think it really balances things out to find an appropriate piece from another look and get an ecclectic groove going on.

Enter graphic decor. This style is really easy to throw into a space with some bold holiday colors and BOOM. Decorated. It is also pretty versatile, so it plays nicely with most styles. I like incorporating this style into others, i.e. traditional, whimsical, country, etc. to kind of level things out and keep it feeling current.

(My Own)
Here, for example, you have the graphic, bright framed piece on the wall with the more rustic pillow on the chair. Obvisouly there isn't much else holiday happening on this image, don't judge me, I'm not all the way done in the house yet. Also I have two boys who insist they can't leave anything where I put it.
But I really like the way the two styles work with each other here. They have the common theme of an element from the red family, but are two totally different styles, keeping the style from going too far in one direction or the other.
You know what else I LOVE in holiday decor, and also just in life? Plaid. It is so very wonderful. And again, can work into several styles, when done well. You can just pop in a few pieces with plaid, or if you are a super pro, you can mix in plaid in different elements to layer the effect. It's so great.

Well there you have it, folks. Just a few of my thoughts on fun stuff you can do to decorate for holidays. Above all, if something calls to you, find a way to use it. The most important part of decor is that it reflects you.
Happy Friday, have a fabulously wonderful weekend!!
- D